
Awudu Mohammed was shot by Ashanti Gold security forces fleeing an area where he was an illegal miner.  This guy is probably the lead of Dan's story.  The security guys let him lie there for half an hour hoping he would bleed to death, he says... Then they took him to the hospital with his intestines hanging out the front.  He was shot in the back.  Awudu still has trouble urinating... it takes half an hour to get the urine to drip at all.  his phone is +233 24 334 5717...The town of Sanso had many homes knocked down by surface mining blasting that started in 1986.  Even though these folks lost their homes from the blasting of Ashanti Gold, they have never been compensated.  The guy that gave me the tour of the town is Nicholas Amoah +233 24 925 8945..Assemblyman for the area is: Benjamin Annan, for this area is Eric Adjea 24 631 3717..Fixer is:.Kofi Adu Dankwah (+233 24 474 9756)

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