
Restaurant near Octopus Festival...Octopus festival goes thru 20,000 KG of Octopus and 70,000 people attend even though the front page of the local paper talks about how quotas will have to be cut by 20 to 50 percent this year because they are pulling too much out of the ocean...Pulpeiras (women who cook octopus) are mostly one family.  83 year old (stirring 2nd pot in background octopus sticking out of pot in foreground) is Maria Justo  988 272663 and blonde with short hair is Xonxa Gonzalez Hermida 66 25 91 96.  Woman with pony tail in same group is Elena Gonzalez Quintela 988 272617...Guy in early morning with blue shirt rearranging octopus in tubs while tents are being set in the background is Sergio Gonzalez Valeiras 679 609 281...Octopus fishing has been going for centuries (party is officially from 1962).  The monks were landlords of the area and the port and fishermen had to pay a tribute in fish and octopus.  This village dried the octopus for the monks...Boy sitting alone waiting to eat octopus is David Giraldez Pereira 968 33 62 71...Main contacts for this festival are:.Mayor of town is:  Mr. de Montes 619 91 99 72.Man in charge is Gustavo Ledo 988 27 47 57

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