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Africa, assist, body paint, care, care for, Ceremonies, clear, clearing, conflict, Congo, cultures, cut, cutting, Democratic Republic of Congo, destroy, destruction, devastate, endure, environment, fire, follow, forest, forest people, forests, generations, get ready, greed, gold, gold mining, help, honey, hunting, hurt, huts, irresponsible, issue, Ituri Forest, Jungle, Jungles, Kumbi, learn, logging, logging concessions, look after, Manhood rites, mines, minerals, mining, native cultures, natural resources, net hunting, nKumbi, nomadic, nomads, pass on, prepare, preserve, purpose, Pygmies, Pygmy, raw materials, refugees, religion, rites, rite of passage, ritual scarification, Rituals, social issue, strip, survival, teach, tough, tradition, whipping, whips, people, portraits, one, many, community, daily life, build, skill, construct, construction, child, children, young, youth, able, green, lush, place, put, ground, bend, stick, shelter, leaf hut, outside