
Lu Guo Bao Family:  Lu was sent to prison during the cultural revolution and tries to keep pace with todays values, but still has questions about his kid's world.  He lives with his son (Lu Ying) and daughter in law (Yumin) and their new child (Lu Xiao Xuan). Liu does the shopping for the family and is involved in a camera club for folks over 55.  When I was here 17  years ago the old guys were all into caligraphy because all they could afford were brushes and paper. Now they have expensive digital cameras and share their photos of Tibet once a month at a photo lab. Statue in Shenzhen park is of Deng Xiao Ping...Main Contact for Shenzhen is: Or  (+86 138 252 13872) Susanne is main fixer in Shenzen.  .

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  • Dimensions: 4368x2912
  • File size: 9.0MB