
The Huangsha Live Seafood Wholesales Market is the seafood market in China. The live marine food fish is one of the main trading commodities in this market. The market sells a wide range of groupers and other coral reef fish from all over the Asia-Pacific region. The market is on Huangsha Ave. in downtown Guangzhou, China..Main or phone number: +(86) 139 2214 1600.Nicole Cheng.Senior Associate-Guangzhou.Burson Marsteller.Room 6805A, CITIC Plaza, 233 Tianhe North Road.Guangzhou, 510613 P.R.C..+8620 3877 1820 X229 Work Phone.3877 1815 reef fish only came from the South China Sea, but transport developed and fish now come from all over S.E. Asia.  The whole reef fish trade crashed with the 97-98 HK stock market crash.  LRF trade is directly linked to economy.  With China coming online financially the trade is booming.  These fish are often used for celebratory meals in Hong Kong, but in Guangzhou the fish are so cheap and the apartments are so small that many people eat out...  And the stereotype is that there is lots of food left on the table.  Often a fish is popular because of its color... more than its taste.

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