Aerials of Braided River

Salmon is the only freshwater commercial fish in the entire Pacific Rim...Kol River Biostation is the only Salmon protected area with braided rivers and 9 species from the Salmonid family.  The keystone drivers are to figure out how to keep salmon productivity high.  Why does the Kol river have such huge stocks?  How do you restore ruined rivers and declined stocks in the rest of the pacific rim?  Most biostations are there to make a good forecast of how many fish will show up next year.  Their mission is to find the answer for ecosystem development and protection for the long term protection of the species...Kirill has been studying fish there for 7 years and the main interest of the Kol Biostation has become studying the inflow of marine derived nutrients (salmon fertilizer basically) as it applies to BRAIDED RIVERS.  They are on a braided river ecosystem that consists of four elements:.Main Channel (Busway for Salmon and spawning for some species).Secondary Channel (Spawning area for most species).Tertiary Channel (Flood channel used for still water during flood periods for spawning).Off Channel Habitats (Spring brooks and little creeks) This is the main area for raising juveniles...Their research shows that if you exclude even one part of this river system, there is automatic decrease in productivity...Salmon rivers in the pacific rim were all BRAIDED and this went all the way down to Malibu Creek in Southern California.  These are called Piedmont rivers... they have high gradient, high velocity and move a lot of sediment...So... all braided rivers exist in Far East Russia on Asia side and then only Alaska on our side...The rest of the historic braided rivers are now constrained by human activity (agriculture etc.) and this is one reason that most all of the pacific rim is at 3 to 4 percent of historic production...In Russia they allow 40-60 percent of the salmon population to be taken by commercial fishing.  Rule of thumb estimate is that as many fish are taken

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