Aerial of Clear Cut in Tongass Forest

A clear cut on a ridge top on Prince of Wales, a heavily logged  island.  Present day logging is done on Native Corporation and Forest Service land.Anissa Berry-Fitch and John Schoen load up equipment before beginning a flight over Prince of Wales and other neighboring islands.  She flies for Lighthawk.  He is a biologist with Audubon who is taking collected data analyzed by computer to now visually check which forested land might be the highest quality of big trees and wildlife habitat. He has a check list for what has been logged and the forest condition and makes notes as to what is good deer, bear and bird habitat making a healthy ecosystem where the forest will continue to thrive.  Nature Conservancy did GIS mapping. They will release their report in spring of 2006 identifying which pieces of land are highest on their list to be protected. The flight began over south Prince of Wales and worked toward Dall Island.

Image Details

  • Dimensions: 3325x2266
  • File size: 2.5MB